With generous management, nimble policies, and a terrific location, Chilipili Homestay welcomes you to pay a visit.
Check In | 12:00 pm |
Check Out | 11:00 am |
Hotel Policies |
RestrictionsUnmarried couples are not allowed
Pets are not allowed.
Outside food is not allowed
Guest ProfileUnmarried couples are not allowed
Smoking/Alcohol consumption RulesThere are no restrictions on alcohol consumption.
Smoking within the premises is allowed
Pet(s) RelatedPets are not allowed.
There are no pets living on the property
Finding keys to the propertyCaretaker Greets You & Helps You Check-in
Other RulesCheck In Check out Time is 12:00PM No pets allowed All are requested to carry a valid Photo identity proof and Printouts of Confirmation Voucher. Early Check ins and late check outs are subjected to availbility
Does not allow private parties or events